Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Say Cheese For Your Aura Photo Please

It was on my list of things to do this lifetime, so with an opportunity in Sedona, I took the chance to have an aura photo taken.

I found a spiritual oasis that had the aura camera I was looking for and I was in.

What the photo would look like? I secretly hoped I would be purple to confirm that I'm a spiritual. (kidding)

Seriously tho, would it show places where I need healing? Places where I could improve? What would it say? Hummm....Facinating!

Anita at Sedona Heart Walk ( brought me into the aura studio room where the infamous 1960’s looking biofeedback AuraCam would take my aura portrait. I sat down on the chair in front of the violet backdrop and was instructed to place my hands on the metal handprints in front of me so the machine could read my energy. Anita stood behind the tripod preparing the Polaroid film and getting ready to press the shutter release. She asked me to say ‘ready’ when I was ready. I didn’t know what it meant to be ‘ready’, all I knew was that I was thinking and feeling that 'This is SO cool!'

Here is what that moment looked like:

Then Anita and I sat down and she read the photo explaining sizes of auras, the colors in relation to quadrants on the photo, the areas on the right and left sides of the aura that correspond to our female and male sides and how the colors relate to our past, present and future. It was a great intuitive reading. I felt good. I mentioned, in jest, that I wished I was purple and Anita noted the bright red/orange area on the photo and reminded me that I was a Newlywed. We both burst out laughing.

Your aura can change with what you think/how you feel. There are different ways to interpret colors, for example: ( but basically the meanings stem from the meanings of our chakra colors. Aura Photography helps us understand ourselves better. It cuts out the small talk and helps get right to the heart of the matter of what you are currently feeling.
And it’s SO much FUN! You’ve got to try it!

Love, light and heaps of good energy!

Side Notes: and 
The latter is the "AuraCam 6000". It is on my wish list for Santa 2012.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sedona Vortex Trees

Sedona Vortex Trees

I discovered something fascinating while on a recent weekend getaway to Sedona, Arizona.

Sedona is known as a spiritual wonderland. It is famous for its vortex energy centres. If you walk through the town area, the word ‘vortex’ is heard in conversation as commonly as the word ‘coffee’ is in NYC. The main streets are lined with art galleries, crystal shops, vortex tour companies, aura photo studios, palm reading places and holistic healing centres.

Vortex energies are all over our planet, solar systems and universe. In Sedona, the popular energy areas are shown on the local tourist map and noted by a spinning energy icon. Cathedral Rock is known as the feminine energy vortex centre. (And as Mother Nature’s Stair Master) My husband and I trekked out to three of the four major energy vortex centres, beginning with the hike up to Cathedral Rock.

As we drove up to Cathedral, we were mesmerized by the beauty. We parked, grabbed our cameras and H2O and set out to hike our buns up the hill to heaven. I wasn’t expecting to notice any physical proof of vortex energy until three quarters of the way up I discovered the wrenching trunk of a juniper tree that looked as if it had been twisted and swirled like soft copper metal jewellery. The juniper trees were tall vertical beauties that surrounded us at the lower entrance of the hike, but when we hit the higher elevations, the junipers began showing the effects and the strength of the whirling vortex energy:

(First pic: Juniper vortex tree on Cathedral Rock hike)

(Second pic: Juniper vortex tree (detail) on Cathedral Rock hike)

In some places I felt lifted and my energy felt more intense. In other locations, I felt annoyed and uncomfortable. It was energy school with Mother Nature Herself, being able to experience the distinct energy differences depending upon where you were standing in relation to the vortex centres. What a great place to practice! Near the particual tree in the above pictures, the energy felt like the drug free version of this image: (Vortex Image)

Sedona. I highly recommend adding this hotspot to your bucket list, if you haven't already.

(Sedona energy info:

May all your vortexes swirl with happiness, abundance, blessings and love.

Zara Ocean Daniels-Guerrero